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What we’re about

Our goal is to build relationships over substantial conversations.

It's a simple setup: an interesting topic, some discussion questions and scenarios to jumpstart table talk, and dessert and coffee to fill the belly.

There are only four rules to Table Conversations to make sure things stay (or end) with some degree of civility:

1. Don't be a Jerk.

2. Don't be a Wuss.

3. Eat and be merry.

4. Have grace.

We've had success with this format because it's hard to find a place for invigorating conversations because many of us are too worried about offending other people. At Table Conversations we encourage the opposite: offend, but do with a smile. Forget about trying to be 'kind' for a bit, and share you're opinion, and be ready to hear the opinions of people who likely share drastically different perspectives.

We started at Liberty Cafe in Feb 2013, but outgrew it and have been meeting in the Hall at Church of Our Lord ever since.

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